Parrots are birds that are one of the many animals that are seen in the Jungle Emperor Leo Universe.
Physical Characteristics[]
The parrots appear to have curved beaks with large upper mandibles and a sharp lower mandibles, and elongated claws that help the bird to climb and swing
Social Characteristics[]
Numerous challenges are found in studying wild parrots, as they are difficult to catch and once caught, they are difficult to mark. Most wild bird studies rely on banding or wing tagging, but parrots chew off such attachments. Parrots also tend to range widely, and consequently many gaps occur in knowledge of their behaviour. Some parrots have a strong, direct flight. Most species spend much of their time perched or climbing in tree canopies. They often use their bills for climbing by gripping or hooking on branches and other supports. On the ground, parrots often walk with a rolling gait.