Pigs are animals that appear in the jungle emperor universe.
A typical pig has a large head with a long snout that is strengthened by a special prenasal bone and by a disk of cartilage at the tip.[8] The snout is used to dig into the soil to find food and is a very acute sense organ. There are four hoofed toes on each foot, with the two larger central toes bearing most of the weight, but the outer two also being used in soft ground.[9]
The dental formula of adult pigs is , giving a total of 44 teeth. The rear teeth are adapted for crushing. In the male, the canine teeth form tusks, which grow continuously and are sharpened by constantly being ground against each other.[8]
Occasionally, captive mother pigs may savage their own piglets, often if they become severely stressed.[10] Some attacks on newborn piglets are non-fatal. Others may cause the death of the piglets and sometimes, the mother may eat the piglets. It is estimated that 50% of piglet fatalities are due to the mother attacking, or unintentionally crushing, the newborn pre-weaned animals.[11]
With around 1 billion individuals alive at any time, the domestic pig is one of the most numerous large mammals on the planet.[3][4]
The ancestor of the domestic pig is the wild boar, which is one of the most numerous and widespread large mammals. Its many subspecies are native to all but the harshest climates of continental Eurasia and its islands and Africa as well, from Ireland and India to Japan and north to Siberia.
Long isolated from other pigs on the many islands of Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, pigs have evolved into many different species, including wild boar, bearded pigs, and warty pigs. Humans have introduced pigs into Australia, North and South America, and numerous islands, either accidentally as escaped domestic pigs which have gone feral, or as wild boar.
There are many breeds of domestic pig including the pot-bellied pigs, and the American Yorkshire pig. Alongside apes, rats, dolphins, and elephants, pigs are one of the most intelligent animals in the world, and are said to be more intelligent at computer games than a 3-year old human. They are also the most omnivorous animals and are the only animals whose diet is most like a humans. This allows them to eat almost anything a human can, even human bones. Pigs also are very social animals like dogs, and if given a good environment, can be more clean and germ-ridden than dogs and cats. Pigs also cannot sweat, so on hot days, they will wallow in the mud to cool off. They also are good swimmers and have even been seen swimming in the ocean near beaches in the Caribbean Sea.